Luma Tomio kennel



good reputable breeder

How to recognize a good reputable breeder?

1) his web presentation includes a lot of information, trying to show your favorite breed, from both the good and bad side,   you not been later  unpleasantly surprised by some specific characteristics of the breed.

2) by prior arrangement like to invite you to visit  kennel and answer your questions, show you where his dogs sleep, what they eat,  how to behave on a walk outside the familiar environment and all with the knowledge that for  your desired puppy can eventually choose a other kennel

3) he will have for you a lot of questions such as: Why did you choose for the breed, how and where will live dog with you , etc. and maybe he will want to you meet  before selling puppies, will convince that the puppy, which he devotes all his free time and love  goes into excellent home for people who will truly love him

4) purchase agreement will include not only basic information about the sell puppy, but certain measures which  will commit to you with his puppy  not traded or not mistreat him in any way

5) he behave towards you politely and appropriately, not bargain about the price, is aware of the quality of own dogs and their weaknesses,

6) in his advertisements puppies not  will be written, that to you bring your puppy - such breeder maybe hiding something in his breeding, it could be discouraged you from buying! – maybe poor health kept other dogs, keeping in poor conditions, many different breeds, bred only for dealer etc ...

7) he spends all his time, money and everything else for breeding healthy, strong, beautiful and typical representatives of the breed, when yours the puppies grow into an adult dog, they were happy for him and that you have chosen just this breeder. Believe me, it is extremely difficult and long journey. Who is not interested in a breeding,  can hardly understand it ...

Choose very carefully breeding kennel, where you can choose your dog friend, maybe for 15 years. Do not rush to, maybe even you wait half a year on litter that interests you, you'll be look forward on puppy more and much more you are taking it ..

For translation into English, I used a web translator. Please excuse my the mistakes. Thank you.

tlapka - paw

Kontakt  +420 606 356 579, email:

Chovatelská stanice boloňských psíků © Luma Tomio 1997 Marie Lupačová

Veškeré fotografie, obrázky, design a obsah stránek jsou ve vlastnictví chovatelské stanice Luma Tomio nebo jiných autorů, a jsou chráněny autorským zákonem.

Jejich kopírování a plagiátorství je bez předchozího souhlasu zakázáno.Všechna práva vyhrazena. Autor stránek: Marie Lupačová

All photos, pictures, design and content pages are owned kennel Luma Tomio or other authors, and are protected by copyright law.
Their copying and plagiarism is prohibited without prior consent. All rights are reserved. Author web site: Marie Lupačová